Wednesday, August 20, 2014

African Elephants Poached Like a Common Egg

Sometimes when you think you couldn’t possibly get more disappointed, you simply can. Apparently, 35,000 elephants are getting poached each year since 2010. At this rate, elephants will go extinct in the next 100 years. Are you serious? Yes, dead serious. Over the last 40 years, more than 600,000 elephants have been poached in Africa. This dramatic loss is creating countless baby orphans and breaking up entire elephant societies. They cannot sustain themselves at this rate.  

We all know that the trading ivory is illegal. Has been since 1989. But the thing is, it’s only gotten far worse since then. It’s now turned into this cluster of organized crime, forged documents, shoot outs, smuggling, and other nasty schemes.  Millions of dollars are in this black market business so there are few things low life people wouldn’t do for that kind of cash.

This demand is so deeply rooted in traditions and status of some Asian cultures, that it’s hardly possible to begin to think of a single idea about how to end this.  Maybe we need to start an Ivory Sucks campaign to nip the Worst Trend in the World Ever in the bud. I mean wearing teeth is far grosser than wearing cat hair on your jacket. Teeth/tusks/whatever. Don’t sport it, ancient art or fresh out of the face. Don’t do any of it. It’s gross. It’s selfish. It’s damaging. Are we cave people? I don’t even think the cave people were as dirty as we are today.  Honestly, these savages should just poach ivory out of their own face. Enough said. I need to stop myself before this gets too mean to post.

Over and out.

 via {Flickr, by Ed Yourdon}

Legit Sources

Monday, July 21, 2014

Argentina, Let Arturo Go

Come on, Argentina. Isn’t it a little bit embarrassing and gross that you are holding a 29 year old polar bear captive in 100°F weather in your zoo? I thought the polar bear in the San Diego zoo had it bad.

Over 237,000 people have already signed a petition to have Arturo sent to the Polar Bear Conservation Center in Canada. Motherland basically. But get this, the director of the Argentinian zoo actually said that it would be “unsafe” to move him in his old age. Come again? Unsafe? Really? Are you truly concerned about the safety of Arturo? Suddenly, I feel like I’m missing something. Two years ago, didn’t Arturo’s cage buddy die in that same cramped, concrete enclosure? And now Arturo is all alone and expressing signs of loneliness and distress / living in unsafe conditions. If you want to keep him safe, build him a safe environment, give him what he needs or let the experts in the Arctic take it from here and save you from even more embarrassment. Maybe you don’t have a concept of what polar bears are, but  crying out loud, just say “Thank you Canada” and let our bear buddy go. He’ll have a better life. 

Over and out. 

Arturo, dubbed World's Saddest Animal {via Yahoo News}